PureSleep Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece Review: Does It Work?
So you’re finally ready to take on your snoring problem head-on? Tired of having your partner wake you in the middle of the night telling you that you’re snoring up a storm? Or is it your partner keeping you awake depriving you of a good night’s sleep? But you don’t have to wake up sleepy and groggy from a bad night’s sleep. There’s no reason for that given all the anti-snoring options that are out there today. You simply have to find what works for you.
Most of these options require implementing changes to your sleeping habits - this is another key point that needs to be considered when deciding on what works best for you and your partner.
Mouthpieces have been around for quite some time and are considered quite effective in relieving and even stopping snoring entirely in some people. Not all mouthguards are created equal and they vary greatly in features, functions, and prices.
Let’s take a look at PureSleep which is one of the top contenders in the anti-snoring mouthpiece industry. We’ll review some of the PureSleep anti-snoring mouthpiece comments and feedbacks and see what the users are saying.
Does it work? Will it work for you? Let’s break it down so you can make an informed decision.
PureSleep Mouthpiece Overview
PureSleep was created by two doctors who prescribed it to their patients as an anti-snoring mandibular advancement device (MAD) to help relieve snoring and teeth grinding. Mouthpieces at the time would cost up to thousands of dollars at the time.
“Many of my patients were unable or unwilling to pay thousands of dollars for a custom-made snoring mouthpiece so I invented PureSleep.” - Douglas Fenton, DDS
They set out to make an anti-snoring mouthguard that was affordable and accessible to everyone without needing a prescription or seeing a doctor to purchase it.
How Does PureSleep Mouthpiece Work
Snoring is often caused by the tongue and throat muscles relaxing while you sleep. You fall asleep and so does your tongue, it forgets to stay where it belongs! It slips back into your throat and causes a vibration when the air passes while you breathe. Snoring has a range it can come out in soft whistles or you may actually sound like a grizzly bear and be heard throughout the whole house. No matter how soft or how loud your snoring is you probably are waking yourself up or keeping your partner awake. Other unpleasant consequences of snoring are waking up with a dry mouth and feeling sleepy and unproductive during the day.
Not all snoring is caused by the tongue slipping into the throat. Snoring may also be caused by blocked nasal passages due to allergies or a deviated septum. These require other anti-snoring solutions like nose dilators and nasal strips.
PureSleep is a mandibular advancement device (MAD) that gently brings your lower jaw forward while you sleep to keep your tongue from falling back into your throat. The concept is proven to work and there are now many competitive anti-snoring mouthpiece companies out there providing affordable mouth guards. The concept is the same for all of them, but the design, features, and prices vary.
PureSleep is a custom-fit mouthpiece with a boil-and-bite design for maximum comfort. PureSleep has a unique feature that can adjust to your personal bite. This makes puresleep easier to get accustomed to and perform better compared to the generic mouthpiece.
According to your bite type (regular overbite, mild overbite or a severe overbite), you can adjust and assemble the upper and lower jaw pieces.
After assembling both pieces according to your bite type, you boil the mouthpiece and bite down into it so that it can mold your teeth perfectly. Read the instructions carefully to get the best fit possible. You can reboil the mouthpiece and try up to three times if you feel like you didn’t get the perfect fit the first time.
The mouthguard is made of FDA-cleared latex-free materials and is produced in the USA. It’s moderately priced at $69.95 per mouthpiece. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the product. Shipping is free and it comes with a return shipping label to make returns easy and at no cost to you.
You can purchase the PureSleep mouthguard on their website or through your dentist after you answer a series of questions to make sure that the mouthpiece is a good fit for you. This questionnaire is unique to PureSleep and it provides valuable information about you and your snoring. They assess your answers and evaluate if their mouthpiece will help you or not.
What Users Are Saying - PureSleep Reviews
PureSleep is not available on Amazon or any other website other than the PureSleep website. Shipping can take up to a month depending on your location.
Let’s take a look at some comments from users and reviewers who have given PureSleep a try for help with their snoring.
“I have been using PureSleep for several years with excellent results. From the first night, snoring stopped and in a couple of days, I began to feel more comfortable with it in my mouth than not. At one point I considered other devices but realized that I should stay with PureSleep because it works.”
“I have been using this product for several years now...I am very pleased with it....it helps not only with snoring but also with my teeth grinding....I wish I would have known about it years ago...it takes a couple of nights to get used to it but once you do you'll be very happy with your purchase...mine last for quite some time....maybe about a year or so...just wash it off after each use and maybe soak it in some mouthwash once in a while…”
“I've been using the product for the better part of 13 years. However, I've always ordered 2 units at one time because no 2 experiences of making the units fit are ever the same. I waste 1 out of 2 every time for the past 13 years. Once fitted properly, they work exceptionally well.....but that is always a toss-up for me....Always anxiety when I have to make a new one...and they aren't really inexpensive. I love the product....I very much dislike the fitting procedure.”
“Hard to breathe through. Also unable to swallow with it in your mouth so saliva builds up. Just can’t sleep with this in my mouth. Might work for others. Just not for me.”
“Have been using this product for years but lately started snoring - I just don't think it's adjustable enough especially after molding and I have gone to a better brand. before doing so I emailed PS hoping for a replacement but no response so I changed brands and am much happier with one that is adjustable after molding.”
Obviously there is an adaptation period. This period can be longer for some users and some can’t get used to the mouthpiece at all. The frequent pain, soreness, and drooling that is mentioned seems to dissipate after the adaptation period but can be enough for some users to stop using the device. Close attention should be paid at the time of fitting as it can lead to damaging the bite. Keeping the mouthpiece clean and sanitary is essential in preventing gum disease and tooth decay.
A common feedback was the small air holes that make it difficult to breathe through your mouth.
- Precision fit (boil-and-bite) feature.
- Adjustable to 3 different bite types.
- Possible to use with partial dentures and teeth implants.
- Inexpensive.
- Long delivery time.
- Jaw pain and teeth soreness.
- Drooling.
- Needs replacing every 6-9 months.
- Needs cleaning every day.
- Airflow holes may be too small for some users.
Does PureSleep Work - Is PureSleep Made for You
PureSleep holds a good reputation for helping some snorers. This mouthpiece may be a good option for you if you know your bite type and know what type of snorer you are.
Recommended for you if:
- Are a mouth snorer.
- Are willing to go through the possible pain and soreness during the adjustment period.
- Want an inexpensive anti-snoring solution.
- Willing to answer the lengthy questionnaire before purchasing.
Not recommended for you if:
- Are a nose snorer.
- Have sleep apnea or other sleep disorders.
- Have new dental implants.
- Not willing to go through the adjustment period.
- Don’t want to risk due to potential long term side effects
PureSleep seems to be a top contender in the mouthpiece industry and you may want to give it a try to put a stop to your snoring (or your partner’s snoring).
We feel that the questionnaire on their website is a great start and it helps to determine if you are a good candidate or not. This helps narrow down available solutions for you, as a snorer.
PureSleep is not recommended if you don’t like to sleep with something in your mouth. Most users state that they can get used to it after 3-5 nights, but some users simply cannot have a good night's sleep with a mouthguard in their mouths.
Mouthpieces are one of the many anti-snoring solutions out there today. Obviously, we feel that the less invasive options are the best for comfort and good sleep.